I Want In!








I Want In

Ready to start a life living on YOUR TERMS?

Have you ever dreamed of what your life would be like if you woke up one day and didn't have to hit snooze 6 times before dragging ass to get out of bed?

Maybe you believe you don’t have the resources, mindset or even money to make your dream a reality..

You might be worried about what others may think of you—or how your dreams could affect them..

You may have a fear of having to ‘start all over again', failing, have self doubt, or even have zero self trust.

…Or maybe, you have no idea what your dream life would even look like or how to even get there!

It’s ok, I hear you. This was totally me.

Your dream life is waiting for you

I'm here to help

Your dream life is waiting for you

I'm here to help


Dream Life Design

Get ready to take aligned action and make scary AF moves!

DREAM LIFE DESIGN: A 3 month 1:1 high level support and accountability coaching program for entrepreneurs in all stages who are looking to make more MOOLAH in their business and create a PINCH ME lifestyle by crafting a strong as diamond mindset! This is for the burnt-out corporate woman who is ready to hand in her resignation letter & leave her 9-5 AND the current entrepreneur who wants more time and money freedom and to design and LIVE LIFE ON HER TERMS!

After this program you’ll:

  • Finally, stop hitting the snooze button on your alarm. You'll actually be excited to wake up because you're doing something that lights you TF up!
  • Learn an unstoppable mindset and energy so when you feel like “holy shit - what am I even doing with my life” you can snap out of easily, remember you're a bad bitch and pivot and change empowerment and no guilt or shame.
  • Create a career that brings in more wealth than your 9-5 job AND get this…it’s something that you LOVE doing!
  • Be able to wake up and plan your day the way YOU want to! You know…wake up at 8AM without an alarm, go make your favorite frothed coffee, sit by the window and read a book, then dive in to work that you actually love (and get paid more to do it).
  • Say YES to the holiday trips that you want to go on and have more white space on your calendar than ever before because you finally can make your own schedule.
  • Have a strong roadmap of your goals and why you wake up in the morning and actually LOVE the life you are creating and building!
  • Gain new friends who support you and want to talk business, scaling and money instead of those in corporate who are paid to talk to you, gossip and bore you with small-minded talk.
  • Be able to show up as the CEO you really are and take ownership of your life. No more failing your way through life. All of those dreams that you wanted as a little girl…are about to happen.

12 weeks to go through my signature ABC Framework for Dream Life Design:

A - Alignment

We first start to work together with aligning your new identity to who you to BE! Your future self! It's not just about what feels good; it's about stepping into the shoes of who you aspire to be, when the path is tough or different. It's about embodying the change, embracing the discomfort, and evolving and becoming every single day!

B - Beliefs

With Beliefs framework, I help you identify and address any limiting beliefs that hinder your progress. We then engage in powerful exercises, empowering you to not only challenge but also overcome these barriers. This step is important in building your inner strength, ensuring you are equipped to navigate and conquer any obstacles that may arise throughout your journey!

C - Creating a Roadmap

I guide you to help develop a tailored, sustainable roadmap that aligns perfectly with your unique journey and timeline. This includes establishing a deadline and crafting an execution plan designed to transition you from your 9-5 job to running a business you're passionate about, alongside a lifestyle you're eager to wake up to every day!

Here's Your Roadmap to Your

Dream Life!

Week #1

The Inner Bad B Inside you

Understand your true WHY, purpose, core values, and why you wake up every morning for your dream career your obsessed with. We start on embodying the vision of who your future self is and what she does daily!

Week #2

Thoughts, Beliefs, and Mindset - OH MY

Everything mindset and more! This week we dive into helping you spot and change beliefs that hold you back, introducing powerful new ones, and boost your personal power to cultivate an unstoppable mindset for achieving your dreams!

Week #3

Crush & reframe limiting beliefs exercise

This week focuses on practical exercises to crush and reframe limiting beliefs, providing you with strategies to transform negative thought patterns into empowering perspectives, ensuring that you not only identify but actively rewire obstacles into stepping stones towards success.

Here's Your Roadmap to Your

Dream Life!

Week #1

The Inner Bad B Inside you

Understand your true WHY and purpose and why you wake up every morning for your dream career your obsessed with.

Week #2

Thoughts, Beliefs, and Mindset - OH MY

Everything mindset and more. How to train your brain to become unstoppable.

Week #3

Crush & reframe limiting beliefs exercise

Put into practice how to reframe those limiting beliefs.

Week #4

The Power of Personal Development

This week we dive into personal growth because it enhances every aspect of your life! We dive into the principle that your inner world shapes your external reality, teaching you to cultivate a rich internal foundation that mirrors the success and fulfilment you seek externally.

Week #5

Let’s Talk Money, Hunny

This week we dive into transforming your relationship with money, covering everything from cultivating a positive money mindset to boujee budgeting. It's designed to shift you from the employee mindset to an entrepreneur!

Week #6


This week teaches how to break down your aspirations into manageable goals and steps, tailored to your personal timeline and journey, making goal achievement more accessible and aligned with your identity!

Week #4

The Power of Personal Development

Learn how to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. Personal development can help you in all the areas of your life.

Week #5

Let’s Talk Money, Hunny

All things money mindset to budgeting.

Week #6


Learn SMART goals that align with who you really are inside.

Week #7

Hack Your Habits

Week 7 teaches you to break down and build habits that fit with the person you're becoming. It builds on who you decided to be at the start of this journey, making sure new habits help you grow into that identity.

Week #8

Consistency and Discipline

In this week, we zero in on how to maintain steadiness and self-control in your life, even when things feel tight or overwhelming. It offers strategies for building consistency in your actions and fostering discipline.

Week #9

Success Toolkit

Consistent actions build confidence. You'll create a toolkit to stay grounded and focused, helping you navigate life's challenges without losing sight of your goals or when you get thrown of course.

Week #7

Hack Your Habits

Breaking down habits to understand them better and implement in your life!

Week #8

Consistency and Discipline

The most important life skills to understand & take on.

Week #9

Success Toolkit

Through continued action comes confidence. Let's learn more about it and the success tools you need in your toolbox.

Week #10

Handling Rejection Like A Pro

This week, we reframe rejection as not just a part of life but as a crucial step in your journey, teaching you to see each rejection as a redirection towards growth and the right paths for you!

Week #11

Roadmap to Freedom

So, what's next? With goals in sight, create a road map to the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Week #12

You Fucking Did It!

1:1 Implementation call on how to move forward after program ends.

Week #10

Handling Rejection Like A Pro

Rejection is a part of life. Learn how to handle rejection and move forward in the career you are obsessed with.

Week #11

Roadmap from 9-5 to Freedom

So, what's next? With goals in sight, create a road map to the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Week #12

You Fucking Did It!

1:1 Implementation call.

Total Value for 12 Weeks: $2,000!

+ additional 4 weeks extra as a bonus if you pay in full!

Weekly Q&A!


Each week, you’ll have voice support messages with me directly (via an app) and ask all of your questions about leaving your 9-5, building a company, any ask me anything questions that come up, business topics, and the energetics of being your own boss.


I can’t wait to connect and grow with you!

I Want In
Weekly Q&A!

(VALUE $3,333)

Each week, you’ll have voice support messages with me directly (via an app) and ask all of your questions about leaving your 9-5, building a company, any ask me anything questions that come up, business topics, and the energetics of being your own boss.


I can’t wait to connect and grow with you!

I want In
Hi! I'm Gem.

After working in the Corporate world for many years AKA the RAT RACE.

I felt burnt out, lost and on autopilot!

I keep thinking to myself, "This cannot be what life is going to be like for the REST of my life.."

Does this sound familiar? Counting down to Fridays and dreading Sunday's.

You’re programmed with this belief that:

“You need to go to school, get a good job that pays good, has benefits and a 401k. Then you retire, then have fun."

I’ve learned that this is TOTAL BS there IS ANOTHER WAY!!

In January 2021 I realized that I wouldn’t be ok with myself if I reached 90 years old and had regrets…

I didn't want to say, "I wish I did this, I wish I did that.."

That scared me shitless…honestly scared me more than actually leaving my 9-5 job!

So I started investing in myself, books, podcasts, people and I did what I was SO READY to do…



Even though I was terrified - I QUIT & started my dog walking business!

It was the first time in my LIFE that I had fun working and I was so present with my time!


I replaced my corporate monthly income within 3 months of the business being open!!!

This once "embarrassing" business is now my monster (in a good way)!

I have one FT employee and two part-timers. All incredibly dedicated and grateful to me & my business because of the way I treat them and have it set up!

It was also my stepping stone to help other burnt-out corporate women leave the 9-5 (LIKE YOU) & build a career they're obsessed with and a lifestyle they love, just like I did!

Most would describe me as a fun hype girl, animal obsessed, a personal cheerleader, and small business owner. But in reality, I am so much more than that. And so are you.

Society, beliefs and fear may put us in boxes, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there. So, let's break free from who we think we should be and start living the fulfilling life we deserve.

Invest in yourself and self-discovery of stepping into your true CEO self and unapologetically be you while you finally build and create the business you're obsessed and the life you've always dreamed of.

I'm ready to be a CEO
Hi! I'm Gem.

After working in the Corporate world for many years AKA the RAT RACE.

I felt burnt out, lost and on autopilot!

I keep thinking to myself, "This cannot be what life is going to be like for the REST of my life.."

Does this sound familiar? Counting down to Fridays and dreading Sunday's.

You’re programmed with this belief that:

“You need to go to school, get a good job that pays good, has benefits and a 401k. Then you retire, then have fun."

I’ve learned that this is TOTAL BS there IS ANOTHER WAY!!

In January 2021 I realized that I wouldn’t be ok with myself if I reached 90 years old and had regrets…

I didn't want to say, "I wish I did this, I wish I did that.."

That scared me shitless…honestly scared me more than actually leaving my 9-5 job!

So I started investing in myself, books, podcasts, people and I did what I was SO READY to do…



Even though I was terrified - I QUIT & started my dog walking business!

It was the first time in my LIFE that I had fun working and I was so present with my time!


I replaced my corporate monthly income within 3 months of the business being open!!!

This once "embarrassing" business is now my monster (in a good way)!

I have one FT employee and two part-timers. All incredibly dedicated and grateful to me & my business because of the way I treat them and have it set up!

It was also my stepping stone to help other burnt-out corporate women leave the 9-5 (LIKE YOU) & build a career they're obsessed with and a lifestyle they love, just like I did!

Most would describe me as a fun hype girl, animal obsessed, a personal cheerleader, and small business owner. But in reality, I am so much more than that. And so are you.

Society, beliefs and fear may put us in boxes, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there. So, let's break free from who we think we should be and start living the fulfilling life we deserve.

Invest in yourself and self-discovery of stepping into your true CEO self and unapologetically be you while you finally build and create the business you're obsessed and the life you've always dreamed of.

I'm ready to be a CEO
Is the program for you?

Have you ever felt like you are meant for more than being another number in a cubicle?

Worked the weekend and didn't getting paid for it?

You curse out your job and say, "I can't fucking take this place anymore!" and just go back to work the next day?

Countdown to Friday's every week and dread Sunday's?

Feel like the current business you're running is starting to feel like a 9-5 all over again??

If so, then Dream Life Design is definitely for you.

Is the program for you?

Have you ever felt like you are meant for more than being another number in a cubicle?

Worked the weekend and didn't getting paid for it?

You curse out your job and say, "I can't fucking take this place anymore!" and just go back to work the next day?

Countdown to Friday's every week and dread Sunday's?

Feel like the current business you're running is starting to feel like a 9-5 all over again??

If so, then Dream Life Design is definitely for you.

This is THE 3 month program for women who are ready to hand in her resignation letters & leave her 9-5 with a smile on their face and ready to live life on THEIR TERMS!

This is THE 3 month program for driven women who are tired of their current business feeling like a 9-5 all over again!!

This is THE 3 month program for burnt out women who are sick and tired of sitting on the sidelines and are ready to take action TODAY!!

This 1:1 coaching program will have in addition to our weekly chats, weekly modules to get you closer to your goals by breaking down your action plan into smaller, digestible steps, workbooks, accountability, weekly Q&A's, and so much more.

If nothing changes, NOTHING CHANGES!

Decide today to invest in YOU. You are the one with the power and ability to create your own reality.

That extraordinary life is already in you. It's just waiting for you to wake up and notice!

Click below to sign up today!!

Get Started Today! 

Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right package for you. Afterpay can also be used for as little as $217 a month!



6 monthly payments

  • New modules unlocked every week, designed for direct and progressive learning
  • Access to weekly voice support messages
  • Printable workbooks
  • 2 payment plans made before you are able to start
  • Weekly lessons & voice messaging starts after making 2 payments



4 monthly payments

  • New modules unlocked every week, designed for direct and progressive learning
  • Access to weekly voice support messages
  • Printable workbooks
  • Accountability & Support




  • New modules unlocked every week, designed for direct and progressive learning
  • Access to weekly voice support messages
  • Printable workbooks
  • An additional month working with me! So, 4 months in total!
  • Bonus Courses: Money Mindset Reset Masterclass and Boss Babe Blueprint
Apply Now

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