
Life is too short to do something that doesn't bring you joy.

I'm Gemma.

Hey babe! Call me Gem! A coach, mentor, and entrepreneur with a flair for helping women realize the limitations they have and the ceiling they put over their heads are actually made of glass! I empower them to break through and live life on their terms. As the CEO of not one but two thriving businesses, I wear many hats, but my favorite is being a Mindset & Business Coach for Entrepreneurs.

I specialize in helping aspiring entrepreneurs ditch their unfulfilling 9-to-5s and build a business and lifestyle they love using my game-changing ABC framework. For those already on their entrepreneurial journey, I’m here to help you unlock your full potential as CEOs, mastering money, business, life, and mindset!

My entrepreneurial adventure began with a Dog Walking and Pet Sitting company, which still runs smoothly behind the scenes, thanks to the principles I teach. The ABC framework has been my secret sauce not only for ditching my 9-5, but also for pivoting, evolving, and thriving in every aspect of my business life.

When I’m not coaching, you can find me soaking up the sun at the beach, devouring sushi, hanging out with animals, sipping on espresso martinis, dancing like nobody's watching, making people laugh, and exploring new places.

Join me on this incredible journey of standing in your power, embracing self-awareness, becoming unapologetically you, and stepping confidently into your CEO seat!

We are all perfectly imperfect beings and shouldn't be afraid to show our flaws.

My Story

After working in the Corporate world for many years, I felt burnt out, lost and on autopilot!

I keep thinking to myself, "This cannot be what life is going to be like for the REST of my life.."

Does this sound familiar? Counting down to Fridays and dreading Sunday's.

You’re programmed with this beliefs that:

“You need to go to school, get a good job that pays good, has benefits and a 401k. Then you retire, then have fun."

I’ve learned that this is TOTAL BS there IS ANOTHER WAY!!

In January 2021 I realized that I wouldn’t be ok with myself if I reached 90 years old and had regrets…

I didn't want to say, "I wish I did this, I wish I did that.."

That scared me shitless…honestly scared me more than actually leaving my 9-5 job!

So, I made a DECISION and I started investing in myself, books, podcasts, people and I did what I was SO READY to do…


Even though I was terrified - I QUIT & started my dog walking business!

It was the first time in my LIFE that I had fun working and I was so present with my time!


I replaced my corporate monthly income within 3 months of the business being open!!!

This once "embarrassing" business is now my monster (in a good way)!

Today, I have one FT employee and two part time employees. This business now runs with OR without me. Loving the passive income!

It was also my steppingstone to help other burnt-out corporate women leave the 9-5 (LIKE YOU) & build a career they're obsessed with and a lifestyle they love, just like I did!

Most would describe me as a fun hype girl, animal obsessed, a personal cheerleader, and small business owner. But in reality, I am so much more than that. And so are you.

Society, beliefs and fear may put us in boxes, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there. So, let's break free from who we think we should be and start living the fulfilling life we deserve.

I am looking forward to supporting, empowering, and partnering with you!

Looking forward to connecting.

My Story

After working in the Corporate world for many years, I felt burnt out, lost and on autopilot!

I keep thinking to myself, "This cannot be what life is going to be like for the REST of my life.."

Does this sound familiar? Counting down to Fridays and dreading Sunday's.

You’re programmed with this beliefs that:

“You need to go to school, get a good job that pays good, has benefits and a 401k. Then you retire, then have fun."

I’ve learned that this is TOTAL BS there IS ANOTHER WAY!!

In January 2021 I realized that I wouldn’t be ok with myself if I reached 90 years old and had regrets…

I didn't want to say, "I wish I did this, I wish I did that.."

That scared me shitless…honestly scared me more than actually leaving my 9-5 job!

So, I made a DECISION and I started investing in myself, books, podcasts, people and I did what I was SO READY to do…


Even though I was terrified - I QUIT & started my dog walking business!

It was the first time in my LIFE that I had fun working and I was so present with my time!


I replaced my corporate monthly income within 3 months of the business being open!!!

This once "embarrassing" business is now my monster (in a good way)!

Today, I have one FT employee and two part time employees. This business now runs with OR without me. Loving the passive income!

It was also my steppingstone to help other burnt-out corporate women leave the 9-5 (LIKE YOU) & build a career they're obsessed with and a lifestyle they love, just like I did!

Most would describe me as a fun hype girl, animal obsessed, a personal cheerleader, and small business owner. But in reality, I am so much more than that. And so are you.

Society, beliefs and fear may put us in boxes, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there. So, let's break free from who we think we should be and start living the fulfilling life we deserve.

I am looking forward to supporting, empowering, and partnering with you!

Looking forward to connecting.


You are in control of your thoughts, actions, and destiny